Senior woman and senior man training around a table

Cognitive training in virtual reality with teora mind

teora mind is a software application that allows people with cognitive impairments to train everyday actions safely and controllably in virtual reality. The VR therapy software is based on the latest findings in psychological learning strategies and therapy science. The transfer to everyday life is facilitated by realistic tasks. Cognitive training with teora mind consists of exercises in which users are confronted with everyday situations. The individual tasks are designed to be as realistic as possible. In the kitchen, for example, users can make coffee and train their action planning skills. The entire process from filling the machine with coffee and water to switching it on is mapped. In this way, our users can train their cognitive skills in everyday life and improve their everyday competence. At the same time, they can perform otherwise difficult-to-repeat activities in a safe environment. Sources of danger, such as hot water, are eliminated. Thanks to the use of mobile VR glasses, teora mind can be used from any location. Affected persons can exercise in a self-determined and independent manner. This increases their self-confidence and motivation.

Senior when using teora mind. He sits in a wing chair and holds two controllers in his hands. In the foreground you can see a piece of cake.

All other exercises are also based on the tasks of daily living (ADL) to facilitate the transfer to everyday life. Thus, they train the skills that matter to become more independent again. Our therapy software is based on the principle of neuronal plasticity. Because our brain remains capable of learning – throughout our entire lives. With teora mind we help our brain to heal itself.

+++ NEW NOW+++

teora mind has been reimbursable for fully insured persons of the INTER Insurance Group since 01.02.2024.

Learn more about teora mind

Senior woman trains on the sofa with VR glasses

For affected persons

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For occupational therapists

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For clinics