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What is neuronal plasticity?

What is neuronal plasticity?

Contents: Neuronal plasticity: a lifetime of learning and adapting How exactly does it work? The blood-brain barrier and its role in neuronal plasticity The challenge after a stroke The role of rehabilitation Efficient learning and forgetting The time window for...

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The stroke unit in the hospital

The stroke unit in the hospital

Contents: What is a stroke unit What happens in the stroke unit? Range of services of a stroke unit Typical treatments in the stroke unit Certified stroke units in Germany What is a stroke unit? A stroke unit is a special department just for stroke patients, i.e. a...

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The FAST test

The FAST test

Find out all about the FAST test for strokes in our latest blog post. Discover how this simple method can save lives by quickly recognizing the signs of a stroke. Informative insights and practical tips for quick reactions.

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What happens in the brain during a stroke?

What happens in the brain during a stroke?

A stroke has a lasting impact on the lives of those affected and their relatives. The path back to everyday life requires patience and resilience. However, a basic understanding of what happens in the brain during a stroke can help to better manage the process....

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Stroke prevention

Is it even possible to prevent a stroke? There are many studies that have looked at this question and the answer is clearly "yes". As early as 2008, a study with over one hundred thousand participants investigated how lifestyle affects the risk of stroke. Five factors...

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