Smiling senior man training

Cognitive training to preserve the mental abilities of your residents

You know the problem: after moving into a care facility, residents often mentally decline because they no longer have to do familiar activities such as planning and preparing lunch, shopping or gardening. The loss of these activities can often not be fully compensated by everyday companions and employment offers. Some activities that require handling in the kitchen are not feasible, for example, due to hygiene protection regulations, risk of injury or simply lack of time.

This is where we come in with our teora mind software application. It is a software application that uses virtual reality to simulate realistic situations in a playful way. The focus is on activities of daily living (ADL). In various scenarios, your residents can practice making coffee, organizing the refrigerator or gardening, for example. This gives residents the opportunity to deal with situations they used to encounter on a daily basis in a safe environment.


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Keep your residents fit with the following exercises:

  • Putting away groceries
  • Stocking the refrigerator
  • Preparing fruit salad
  • Making coffee


Your residents can practice action planning in our garden. They first create a plan to determine the sequence of different steps such as fertilizing, watering or harvesting a strawberry plant. This plan is then executed.


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Beach shack

In our beach shack, your residents practice correctly implementing multi-step orders while selling ice cream, cold drinks or milkshakes, in addition to training their memory and action planning.

Relaxation room

After a turbulent day, your residents* can come to rest on the rocky coast of Lanzarote, in front of the waterfalls of Iceland or other calming environments in our relaxation room.


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Cognitive Training and Mild Cognitive Impairment.

teora mind is a medical device certified in accordance with the MDR. It is approved for the treatment of cognitive deficits in Mild Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, among others. In particular, teora mind can be used in the early stages of these neurological diseases. The basic idea behind this is to counteract or slow down the deterioration of cognitive abilities through targeted, everyday-based training and to enable those affected to live (as far as possible) independently for as long as possible.

Cognitive training for rehabilitation purposes in short-term care

The medical device teora mind is already being used in some clinics for rehabilitation. If you admit residents in short-term care who have been discharged from inpatient rehabilitation but still need outpatient support to regain their full cognitive abilities, you can also use teora mind.

A complete list of the indications for which teora mind is approved can be found

Virtual reality training with senior citizens

Modern technology like virtual reality and seniors don’t go together in your mind? In a study we investigated how healthy people and stroke patients of different ages react to our virtual reality application. It has been shown that even older people who have never had contact with virtual reality before can cope well with its use.

Seniors exercising in a care facility

In addition, we have received a lot of positive feedback so far on the use of our product in combination with the VR goggles. Even technically less experienced users who, for example. Those who are skeptical about computer-based training usually find their way around quickly. By the way, our oldest user was 96 years old.
We would be happy to arrange a test phase with you, during which you can convince yourself of the uncomplicated handling and test our application with your residents.

the teora mind package, VR goggles, controller and tablet

Components of the teora mind system

The teora mind software application is supplied together with the required hardware. You will receive from us a complete package consisting of:

  • A mobile VR goggles (model: Pico) incl. two controllers. All exercises can be performed one-handed if necessary.
  • A therapy tablet (model: Samsung Galaxy Tab A), which allows therapists or nursing staff to follow what residents see in virtual reality in real time. In this way, they can provide assistance.

Everything is already prepared so that you only need to turn on the devices. You do not need any further technical equipment. For the transfer from the VR goggles to the tablet, you only need a stable and password-protected WLAN network.

Your reasons for teora mind

Your advantages as a care facility


  • Mentally fit residents reduce the workload for your caregivers
  • More efficient use of your staff due to the possibility of activating several residents in parallel
  • Location-independent use also enables activation of less mobile residents in their own room

The advantages for your residents


  • Targeted training of the problems of the daily routine
  • Simple and user-friendly application
  • Moments of happiness at the feeling of having accomplished something lift the mood
  • Mental fitness improves the quality of life

Your way to teora mind

We accompany you on your journey from decision-making to training with your residents.


More information

In ourbrochure you will find all information summarized at a glance. Feel free to share them with residents and their families.


What does teora mind cost?


The costs of our application vary depending on the number of VR glasses required and the contract term, among other things. Please contact us for more information.

Does virtual reality therapy have side effects?


When first using virtual reality, some people report mild nausea, mild headaches or mild dizziness. These symptoms are also called motion sickness. They sometimes occur when the vestibular organ and the eyes report two different signals to the brain. For example, the balance system "says" "We are not moving - we are sitting" and the eyes report "We are riding a roller coaster and moving forward very fast." This conflict between the eyes and the organ of balance can cause "confusion" in the brain and lead to nausea, dizziness or headaches.
To minimize the risk of motion sickness, we take care in each of our applications not to create conflicting signals between the eyes and the vestibular organ.
More detailed information about side effects can be found here in the Health and Safety Warnings of the VR headset manufacturer.

What are the minimum cognitive requirements that users must meet?


To use teora mind, users must have an intact understanding of language and the ability to read. We also recommend its use for people with a score of more than 20 on the Mini Mental Status Test.

What spatial requirements does the product need?


To perform our exercises in a seated position, you will need a seat with about 1.5 m of free space in all directions to stretch out your arms. All of our exercises can be performed in a sitting position without any problems. If you wish, you can also perform in our application while standing and move around by walking. An area of 2x2 meters is required in this case.

What are the minimum physical requirements that users should meet?


To use teora mind, one arm and one hand must be mobile. This includes the ability to voluntarily flex and extend the index and middle or ring fingers. In addition, it must be possible to turn the head approx. 60 degrees to the right and left.
The use with glasses is possible without any problems. However, the basic prerequisite is the ability to see and perceive with both eyes. In addition, intact language comprehension and reading skills are required.

What technical framework do I need to provide?


To use teora mind, you need a stable, password-protected Wi-Fi connection. You will need this for streaming the VR application to the tablet. Guest networks are not sufficient for this. We will provide you with all the hardware you need.

Can’t find what you’re looking for or want more information? Feel free to contact us!