Smiling senior woman training on a sofa

When everyday life becomes a challenge

Strokes, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury or other neurological conditions often affect mental performance. Increasing forgetfulness, concentration and attention problems make everyday life a challenge. Familiar activities that were previously completely self-evident are now difficult or impossible. Everyday cognitive training is needed now.

Transfer of learning from training to everyday life

However, the current widespread cognitive trainings focus on abstract exercises. For example, license plates are memorized, points are counted, or mazes are solved. Those affected often find it difficult to transfer these one-sided tasks to the complex problems of life. They are too far removed from reality. For example, solving a maze has little to do with standing in front of a coffee machine and not knowing how to operate it properly. Our brain can only perform such transfer services with difficulty or not at all. At the same time, everyday cognitive training is often difficult to implement under real-world conditions. Many of the activities are potentially hazardous, overwhelming, or difficult to control.

Improving everyday skills with the help of VR

With teora mind, we train realistic problems in a controlled virtual environment. In different scenarios, for example, coffee making, organizing the refrigerator or gardening can be trained. Thus, you can train in a safe environment situations that they encounter every day and in which possible sources of danger such as hot water in the coffee machine do not occur. We counteract excessive demands by grading the difficulty of our exercises. All scenarios have been designed to cover a wide range of performance – from very simple to very difficult – and can be adapted to the individual needs of the person concerned. In addition, the game character provides a high level of motivation.


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Train attention, concentration and memory in one of the following exercises in the kitchen:

  • Putting away groceries
  • Stocking the refrigerator
  • Preparing fruit salad
  • Making coffee

Try it out!


Practice action planning while sowing plants, watering and harvesting tomatoes or strawberries? Welcome to our garden!

There you first make a plan in what order, for example, a strawberry plant is fertilized, watered or harvested. You then execute this plan. The number of planning steps is adapted to the selected difficulty level.


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Beach shack

Train your memory and action planning while selling ice cream, cold drinks or milkshakes. In our beach shack, you will practice correctly implementing multi-step orders. Following each completed order, you will also practice cash handling.

Relaxation room

Always wanted to see Iceland’s waterfalls or the rocky coasts of Lanzarote? After a busy day, come and relax in our relaxation room.


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Virtual reality facilitates the transfer of learning

Virtual reality technology
enables us to create an immersive therapy environment. The feeling is conveyed that we ourselves are in the virtual environment and that this environment is real. We have the feeling that we are really in a kitchen, for example, making coffee. This facilitates the transfer of learning and what is learned can also be called up in everyday life. Because if I want to make coffee in my own kitchen after training with teora mind, the steps involved in making a cup of coffee are the same as in virtual reality. This has led to virtual reality increasingly finding its way into medicine. Numerous studies have already demonstrated its high potential in various application areas.

teora mind is study-tested

The teora mind therapy application is based on the latest scientific research findings and was developed together with practitioners and those affected in a practical way. In addition, we conduct our own studies. In a study, we have already found that virtual reality and treatment with it is well accepted by older adults in general, but also by stroke patients in particular. Regardless of any previous contact with virtual reality, the participants were able to find their way around teora mind after a short time.

doctor checking a list

In a clinical study, we also investigated the results of cognitive training with teora mind compared to treatment with computer-based training. After 4-6 weeks of therapy, the VR group showed significant improvements in the areas of planning and problem solving. No improvements were observed in the control group with standard therapy. Both groups started at the same initial level. The results suggest that VR training with teora mind is a safe and effective treatment option for patients with cognitive deficits.

teora mind is a certified medical device

In contrast to conventional cognitive training, teora mind is a certified medical product. teora mind is the first and only medical device approved under the MDR in the EU for the treatment of cognitive deficits in neurotherapy.

Based on this certification, we carry the CE mark in accordance with EU Directives 2017/745 (MDR) and have implemented a certified quality management system to ensure our high standards of safety and quality.

Indications for teora mind

teora mind is used for people who are significantly restricted in their independence, self-determination or daily living skills due to cognitive deficits. These cognitive impairments are associated with diseases that affect the nervous system. This could be, for example strokes, Parkinson’s disease, mild cognitive impairment or traumatic brain injury.

If you would like to use teora mind beyond the areas of application defined by us, please contact us.

the teora mind package, VR goggles, controller and tablet

Components of the teora mind system

The teora mind therapy software is supplied together with the required hardware. Included in the overall system are:

  • Mobile VR glasses — The VR glasses we use are portable and can be used anywhere without a computer.
  • Controller — We supply two controllers as standard. However, all exercises can also be performed with one hand if required.
  • Tablet — The tablet allows real-time monitoring of the user’s exercises. What happens in the VR environment can thus be viewed by the attending physician and the therapy plan can be adjusted accordingly.

VR goggles and tablet are already prepared in such a way that they only need to be switched on before training begins. Additional technical equipment is not required. Only a stable and password-protected W-LAN network is necessary. The Internet connection enables transmission from the VR goggles to the tablet of the person treating the patient or a supporting person.

Remote therapy with the teora system

In addition, your practitioner receives access to teora platform. This is a web app that can be used to accompany your therapy digitally. This means, for example, that they can draw up an individual therapy plan for you and follow your progress. This allows you (if you wish) to continue the therapy at home after an introduction.

Your advantages

  • Training of problems related to everyday life
  • Simple and user-friendly application
  • Location-independent access to cognitive therapy — even from home
  • Higher therapy frequencies
  • Study tested contents
  • Higher motivation thanks to playfully processed content
  • Flexible accompaniment and support by a person in charge of treatment

Your way to teora mind

Since teora mind is a product that requires explanation, it is important that you receive instruction from trained personnel. For this reason, you can only obtain teora mind from doctors or therapists. Discuss possible therapy with your treating health care provider. If they are not already working with us, we would be happy to come by the office for a consultation!


More information

In our brochure you will find all information summarized at a glance. Feel free to share them with your loved ones or those treating you.


Why does it make sense to use virtual reality for rehabilitation?


Virtual reality offers several advantages for rehabilitation. First, it is possible to train potentially dangerous situations over and over again without actual danger. On the other hand, many activities in everyday life are difficult to train several times in a row, whereas this is easier in virtual reality.
Furthermore, virtual reality is location-independent due to mobile technical devices. Numerous scientific publications suggest the use of virtual reality for therapy and treatment of various diseases. If you would like to find out more about this scientific basis, please read here continue.

Does virtual reality therapy have side effects?


Some people report mild nausea, mild headaches or mild dizziness the first few times they use virtual reality. These symptoms are also called motion sickness. They sometimes occur when the vestibular organ and the eyes report two different signals to the brain. For example, the balance system "says" "We are not moving - we are sitting" and the eyes report "We are riding a roller coaster and moving forward very fast." This conflict between the eyes and the organ of balance can cause "confusion" in the brain and lead to nausea, dizziness or headaches.
However, we take care in each of our applications not to create conflicting signals between the eyes and the vestibular organ, so as to minimize the risk of motion sickness as much as possible.
For more detailed information on side effects, please read the VR headset manufacturer's health and safety warnings here for more information.

What are the minimum physical requirements I should meet to use it?


At least one arm and one hand must be movable for use.

In the current exercises, this includes the ability to voluntarily flex and extend the index and middle or ring fingers. The rotation of the head by about 60° to the right and left is necessary. Use with a visual aid is possible without problems; however, vision and perception ability in both eyes is elementary. In addition, an intact understanding of language as well as reading ability is required.

I'm not very tech-savvy. Can I still use teora mind?


When developing teora mind, we attached great importance to ease of use and our entire system is designed with this in mind. Accordingly, the required software is already preinstalled on the tablet and VR glasses. All you have to do is switch on the devices.

In addition, we have received a lot of positive feedback so far on the use of our product in combination with the VR goggles. Even technically less experienced users who, for example. Those who are skeptical about computer-based training usually find their way around quickly.

We will be happy to arrange a test phase through your treating physicians, during which you can convince yourself of the uncomplicated handling.

Does the health insurance pay teora mind?


teora mind has been reimbursable for fully insured persons of the INTER Insurance Group since 01.02.2024. If you are insured with another provider, please contact your health insurance company for more information.

In addition, we are working on a model project with Deutsche Rentenversicherung, which will start at the end of this year. For example, services in inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient follow-up care are to become reimbursable in the future.

Can I also use teora mind as a private person?


Unfortunately, teora mind cannot yet be purchased by private individuals for exclusive use in the home environment. Nevertheless you are welcome to contact with us to learn more.

Can’t find what you’re looking for or want more information? Feel free to contact us!